Phew, it has been a very happening weekend to me. Celebrated my 1st anniversary with my dear. Although so many things happen during last weekend that could ruin everything but we manage to overcome it, i guess this is what it meant by love conquers everything *blush*.
Anyway, i surprise my dear with a very nice cupcakes by Evadis Cupcakes. Coincidentally she was hoping for a cup cake for our anniversary too ^^
Here's some photo of the cake. Evadis did an excellent job on the cakes, the design is very cute and beautiful. The chocolate cake taste great too!

Steph love the kittens a lot.. too much till she dun hv the heart to eat it.
TGIF is rather famous in Penang, not only it is quite expensive but it is also the 1 and only TGIF in the northern region. Although there's lots of people that says the foods are not nice and expensive, honestly i went there twice and i found the food is nice and are in a very BIG portion.
For our lunch we order 2 set meals consist of 1 appetizer and 1 entree(main course) for only RM29.90. It is quite cheap as its portion is alot.
Steph ordered Fried Mac & Cheese and Fish & Chips. Fried Mac & Cheese consist of cheese and pasta noodles which is fried to golden perfection, the generous amount of cheese and noodles will make anyone feel full even though its just an appertizer. While for fish and chips.. hmm need me to intro? =P

While for me, i ordered a Clam Chowder and Sizzling Chicken & Cheese. Clam chowder as its name speaks, is a clam soup with lots of veges in it. They are very generous with the clams as well. While for Sizzling Chicken & Cheese, the description is also exactly like the name. A plate of consist of 2 chicken breast meat and lots of onions and peppers and CHEESE!!!

Well..i hope the pictures didn't make ur tummy growl =p The foods tasted great! And we had a great lunch with our tummy feeling very very full! Steph didnt even finish her fries haha. For Rm29.90 i must say it is quite worth it.
Anyway i would like to dedicate this to that very special person in my life~
Life has never treated me fairly,
I never have any things going smoothly for me,
But I am glad,
Because of all the things that happen,
I still have you with me,
Thank you for being there for me all this while,
It has been a wonderful 1 year,
I've learn to cherish you more and more,
I promise that the next coming year,
I'll love you more and more,
I love you my dear! *muaks!*